Some of the URI Honors class agricultural projects
Reviewing the sustainability of the HOME agricultural projects
Dr. Tom Boving with one of the interior design projects
Looking into the toilet bowl
Plastic bottle bottoms are the windows
Hanging planter on a wall panel
Why LooLoo? Why the HOME Shelter?
LooLoo Report YouTube Video
YouTube Video Solidwork Models
YouTube Video Slide Notes Building Our Prototype
Power Point Slides with Note Pages Articles and Comments
Power Point Show Shelter Design Documents
LooLoo Documents Resume

URI Engineering Honors Class - Fall 2012

In the Fall of 2012, after a discussion with Paul Bishop, Dean of Engineering Research at URI, I met with both Drs. Vinka Craver and Tom Boving who are ‘hands-on’ engineering professors with experience in water purification in rural environments, namely Kenya and Guatemala.  A team of 16 Honors Class university students in HPR “Designing Sustainable Solutions for Developing Communities’ chose the HOME Shelter as their class project.  They chose to research and build prototypes of four subsystems to test compliance to requirements.  As Tom Boving said: “They went in directions totally unexpected”.  The results were extremely organized, innovative, researched and engineered – even though there wasn’t a single engineering student in the class! 


The full scale mockup of the $50 port-o-potty designed by the URI Honors class

URI Honors class presenter discussing passive heating and cooling projects.
URI Honors class presenter discussing how the box becomes a chair becomes a table becomes a stool.
Scaled mockup of the fold-down table.
URI Honors class project - the transforming chair table.
URI 2012 Honors Engineering class and their HOME Shelter projects.